
Traditional money transfer

If you like to you can use the traditional money transfer online or at the stationary facility (post office, bank, etc.). Just make sure you put your order number in the title of the money transfer.

Recipient: Lou Ltd.
Address: 64-100 Leszno, Usługowa 5, Poland
Bank name: PKO BP
EUR/€ PL 61 1020 3088 0000 8702 0099 7296
USD/$ PL 04 1020 3088 0000 8602 0099 7304
GBP/£ PL 09 1020 3088 0000 8402 0099 7312
Quick payments by PayU

In Lou you can pay by a quick online money transfer. By choosing this payment method you will be redirected to PayU, in which you indicate your bank. Then you log in using your access data for online banking and confirm the payment. Usually registration of your payment takes only a few minutes after making the transfer. The PayU uses SSL encryption system to ensure all websites and personal data is secure and guarantees a hight level of security for online transactions. After making your payment you will be redirected back to our site, your order will be now successfully placed. Warning! The amount of your online transaction must be exactly the same amount as your order, otherwise the payment will not be registered.

zdjęcie paczki

Fast payment by PayPal

Select payment through PayPal, and in the end of the payment process you will be redirected strait to the PayPal system. If you are already a client in PayPal, you can sign in using your account details and confirm the payment. If you're new to PayPal, you can also sign up as a guest or create a new PayPal account, than confirm the payment. Warning! The amount of your online transaction must be exactly the same amount as your order, otherwise the payment will not be registered.

Credit Card

In Lou we accept MasterCard, Visa, DinersClub and American Express. In case of returns, money will be transfer back on your credit card bill. Your credit card data is transmitted by SSL encryption. Thanks to this high level of security, shopping in our store using credit cards is always safe. In Lou PayU and PayPal deals with your credit card payments.

Gift Cards (Vouchers)

If you have received our Lou voucher (otherwise known as Bon mark). Use it to make a payment in our store. The Voucher can only be use once, so if the Voucher value is bigger than your purchase there is no possibility of using the amount left with another purchase. Bu if the amount is less, you are able to pay the rest by another payment method. There is no possibility of exchange for cash.

When will my order be realized?

We will start to realize your order, as soon as your payment will be registered.

How much time do I have to make the payment for my order?

You have 24 hours to make the payment, otherwise your order will be canceled.

How do I change my payment method?

Payment method can only be changed after logging in, tab ORDERS/current orders/payments/choose a different method of payment.

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